Apple has now confirmed HomeKit, while also creating a support page which list the current range of devices which are compatible with HomeKit. The document also goes through the process of using HomeKit, such as setting up each device on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Also in the support document, Apple has stated that an Apple TV is required to act as a hub for controlling any devices when you’re away from home.
Lights on
Apple say that you need to download the app for the accessory, pair it with HomeKit, as well as the iOS device, open the app and enter in the code. From there you can control any HomeKit device using Siri but some accessories such as door locks won’t be able to use Siri unless the device is unlocked.
HomeKit Launch
HomeKit was originally unveiled at WWDC 2014, but the program was delayed and only now are we seeing any devices. At WWDC 2014, Apple announced that HomeKit will have groups there you can organise any devices by homes, rooms or scenes. This enables shorter Siri commands such as “Turn off the lights in the living room.”
In terms of devices, so far products from Ecobee, Elgato, iHome, Insteon and Lutron have been approved.
Every device used such as the Lutron lighting systems will still require their own app, but in able to talk to HomeKit, a unique code is needed to control the device using Siri. Each device will have a “Works with HomeKit” label on the packaging.