Earlier this week, Amazon accidentally leaked an upcoming refresh of the Xbox One and now Microsoft has officially unveiled the updated console. Not much has changed with the actual console, but Microsoft has added a 1TB HDD and a refresh controller. The updated bundle also includes a copy of Halo: Master Chief Collection, the bundle will be available on June 16 for $399 and the controller can be bought separately for $64.99, should you require another one.
Originally, we started hearing of a redesigned controller last month, as a Microsoft support page displayed the addition of the 3.5mm headphone jack.
The new controller has “fine-tuned” bumper buttons and can now receive the firmware updates wirelessly, which is neat. The original 500GB model now has a permeant price drop to $349. The new console will be available on June 16 in the US, with a new Wireless Adaptor coming later this year for Windows.