
Apple’s Beats 1 radio which is fronted Zane Lowe, Ebro Dardan and Julie Adenuga has a requests show just like every other radio station. Listeners can request any music that they like on the specific “Requests” show.

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The Beats 1 Tumblr page has a dedicated page for getting in contact when requesting a song, with phone numbers for around the world. The United States is 1-310-299-8756 or 1-877-720-6293 for toll free. Other phone numbers are listed for The United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, Ireland and New Zealand. Upon listening to the radio station, it seems like the requests are limited to the dedicated “Requests” show with Travis Mills.

Travis’s “Requests” show will play after Ebro Dardan who is in New York.
