We are close to having truly fast internet on our phones with the upcoming 5G wireless technology which will be the next big thing after 4G which had a maximum speed of about 100mbps, but in reality it is 50mbps. 5G is being tested in Japan and the trial runs being ran by Huawei and NTT DoCoMo who are a Japanese phone carrier. Both companies managed to max out the technology with a transfer speed of 3.6Gbps. When the companies tested it outdoors in China, 24 devices were connected with the average speed of 1.34Gbps, but it peaked at 3.6Gbps.
That speed isn’t something you’ll see once this technology is live, but it adds for more capacity at peak times. Huawei and NTT DoCoMo tested the tech in a public place which naturally has a lot of noise from other devices using the sub 6Ghz band.
“As the first in the world to succeed with such a large multi-user environment test, this is an important milestone,” said DoCoMo’s Takehiro Nakamura. “This is very encouraging as the industry works to commercialize 5G by 2020… I look forward to even more impressive results when we move to the next phase of the field trial in Japan.”
More tests of 5G will be taking place at the 2018 World Cup in Russia and also 5G is being promised to come to the UK within five years. 5G is so fast that it would take 10 seconds to download a 4K movie.