Earlier today, Apple unveiled the latest update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch – iOS 9.1. This release has been highly requested since the launch of iOS 9 earlier in September, mostly for one feature, more emojis. Well good news, the latest release adds the taco, middle finger and badminton emoji as well as much more. Also included is a ton of bug fixes such as improved perforce for Music, Safari and more. One feature which has been much requested is the ability for the iPhone 6s to detect when the phone is lowered, which will then not record the motion of putting the phone down.
Change log:
- Live Photos now intelligently senses when you raise or lower your iPhone, so that Live Photos will automatically not record these movements
- Over 150 new emoji characters with full support for Unicode 7.0 and 8.0 emojis
- Improved stability including CarPlay, Music, Photos, Safari, and Search
- Improved performance while in Multitasking UI
- Fixes an issue that could cause Calendar to become unresponsive in Month view
- Fixes an issue that prevented Game Center from launching for some users
- Resolves an issue that zoomed the content of some apps
- Resolves an issue that could cause an incorrect unread mail count for POP mail accounts
- Fixes an issue that prevented users from removing recent contacts from new mail or messages
- Fixes an issue that caused some messages to not appear in Mail search results
- Resolves an issue that left a gray bar in the body of an Audio Message
- Fixes an issue that caused activation errors on some carriers
- Fixes an issue that prevented some apps from updating from the App Store
You can update to iOS 9.1 in the usual fashion, most popular is to download it on the phone, this can be done by going Settings > General > Software Update. Probably the most effective and to make sure you don’t have any issues down the line, although larger file size is to download using iTunes.