Samsung is eying up Apple’s large mind share as the company is now rolling out plans to offer online payment transactions with Samsung Pay and roll out to more of the company’s devices next year including the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. Ko from Reuters made some points and reported on what the company has planned for Samsung Pay next year, he predicts that the service will be made available to some of the less expensive models produced by Samsung, not just the brand new models – making it more accessible for customers.
Currently Samsung Pay is only available on the most expensive high end models, the Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge and the Galaxy S6 Edge Plus.
Ever since Apple Pay was launched back in October 2014, Google and Samsung have caught up with their own versions which are essentially using the same system of NFC, tokenization and a fingerprint for authentication. Samsung does have a key advantage here if it decides to expand Samsung Pay to more of the older devices which have NFC as that it all that is required for the service, Apple on the other hand doesn’t have this luxury as only the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s have NFC built in for Apple Pay, if Samsung enabled it’s payments service it would then have a large footing to base Samsung Pay on.