As heavily rumoured all this year, Apple has launched a new smaller iPhone called the ‘iPhone SE’ today at the Town Hall located at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. In design the entire phone looks exactly the same as the older iPhone 5s but adds most of the internals from the current iPhone 6s which has the 64-bit A9 chip with M9 co-motion processor for hands-free Siri. Apple stated in the keynote that even though it has launched new bigger iPhones, there still is a market for a smaller, more compact phone. With one-third of iPhone buyers still preferring the smaller form factor.
With the iPhone SE, Apple have essentially taken the design of the iPhone 5s and packed in everything from the iPhone 6s, apart form 3D Touch unfortunately, but this is probably down to space limitations. Powering the new phone is the speedy A9 chip along with the M9 co-processor for always on Siri and extra motion capabilities.
The camera on the rear looks the same, along with the iconic pill shaped True Tone flash – but Apple have added the 12MP snapper from the iPhone 6s as well as the image processor and the Focus Pixels technology.
The pricing on the new model is actually good for an iPhone, starting at $399 in the US and from £359 in the UK for 16GB. Colours available are Silver, Space Grey, Gold and Rose Gold. Apple is taking orders this week on Thursday 24th March, with the release date scheduled for next week on Friday 31st March.
- 16GB is £359
- 64GB is £439
- 16GB is $399
- 64GB is $499
- Or – per month financing, see below.