The big thing that has been making the headlines is that Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone – the Galaxy Note 7 has been exploding, causing serious burns to people, fires and the latest issue, a fire on a flight from Louisville to Baltimore.
Samung has been fighting this issue for a number of weeks where batteries inside the Galaxy Note 7 were exploding and injuring users and causing numerous fires. To combat the issue, the company had replaced a over one million Note 7 phones, the one on the flight was marked as safe by Samsung and had been replaced.
Credible rumours have suggested the Samsung was rushed into getting the Note 7 out to market before the iPhone 7 after it found out that Apple’s latest phone wouldn’t have many design changes, leading the company to rush and have oversights.
Issue on flight
Luckily, the flight hadn’t taken off, it was evacuated just before pulling out of the gate and no one was injured. News coming from The Verge states that Brian Green, the owner of the Galaxy Note 7 had already been issued a replacement Note 7 from AT&T on September 21 and the box had the green battery sticker to show it was safe.
Brian Green told The Verge that the phone started smoking shortly after the staff advised him to shut down the phone and store it away for take off.
He dropped it on the floor of the plane and a “thick grey-green angry smoke” was pouring out of the device. Green’s colleague went back onto the plane to retrieve some personal belongings and said that the phone had burned through the carpet and scorched the subfloor of the plane.