Andy Ruben, the famed father of Android launched his debut phone for pre-orders back in August. The phone, which is only available in the United States for now was launched with support only for the Spring network when the phone hit pre-order stage back in August. Now, as of today the phone will work on many of the major carriers in the US – including AT&T and T-Mobile. But for some time, Verizon has been left off the list.
While the Essential Phone has actually worked somewhat on the Verizon network, simply by putting a SIM card in. According to some users, there were some issues. Well, apparently Verizon did need to certify the device to be fully compatible on their network.
But from today, Essential has announced that they are now supporting the Verizon network. Meaning any physical store should be able to activate your phone.
We're excited to share that Essential Phone is now compatible with the @Verizon network. #ThisisEssential
— Essential (@essential) September 16, 2017
Source: @Essential on Twitter