Snapchat rolled out a controversial major redesign to its mobile app in November last year, as a result 1.2 million people signed a petition asking for the app design to be ‘put back.’ As a result it did cause the company to see a drop in daily active users, the first decrease since Snapchat was launched back in 2011.

This Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that in the first quarter of this year, Snapchat had 191 million daily active users and this has now dropped to 188 million, a drop of two percent.

Earnings call

All this news came from this quarters earnings call from Snap Inc, which was released on Wednesday. Some notable news included the fact they introduced a new version of Spectacles, but with no information on sales numbers at all. Snap Inc also launched Snap Kit, which allows developers to write new apps and other products, using some of Snapchats camera features, including the stickers and various filters that makes the app so popular.

It has been approximately six months since we broadly rolled out the redesign of our application, and we have been working hard to iterate and improve Snapchat based on the feedback from our community. We feel that we have now addressed the biggest frustrations we’ve heard and are eager to make more progress on the tremendous opportunity we now have to show more of the right content to the right people.


Source: Snapchat Investor
