Alongside the new Beats Solo Pro headphones Apple unveiled this week, Apple has also released a few new colour options for the Beats Studio3 Wireless headphones and BeatsX in ear headphones. The Beats Studio3 headphones now come in a camouflage pattern, dubbed ‘Camo Collection’ in Sand Dune (pictured above) or a Forest Green.

The new Studio3 headphones have no new improvements at all, so they still have the Pure ANC, Apple’s W1 chip and 22 hours battery life. Here in the UK, they are £299.95 on


The BeatsX headphones also received a colour option revision, it is now availble in he Defiant collection, coming in black and red for £89.95 on

Also, Apple is now offering a Lightning to 3.5mm audio jack cable for £35 on, this is for use with the new Beats Solo Pro headphones as these do not feature a 3.5mm jack on the headphones, only bluetooth. So if your phone has a headphone jack, this would be something to pick up.
