In November last year, Apple released a trailer for and upcoming film ‘The Banker’ which was supposed to be released on Apple TV+ this month after its debut in cinemas in the US in December. It would have been shown in cinemas in order to be eligible for nomination for awards.
But later that month, the film didn’t go ahead and the theatrical release was delayed too. At the time, Apple provided a statement on the situation.
“We purchased The Banker earlier this year as we were moved by the film’s entertaining and educational story about social change and financial literacy. Last week some concerns surrounding the film were brought to our attention. We, along with the filmmakers, need some time to look into these matters and determine the best next steps. In light of this, we are no longer premiering The Banker at AFI Fest.”
There were some concerns about the person who the film is based on, the late Bernard Garrett Sr.
Now, this week Apple has announced that the film will be releases soon, which stars Samuel L. Jackson with a theatrical release in March.
Apple spoke to Variety this week about the film:
“We wanted to take the time to understand the situation at hand — and after reviewing the information available to us, including documentation of the filmmakers’ research, we’ve decided to make this important and enlightening film available to viewers.”
Once the film has been released to cinemas on the 6th March, the film will be released on Apple TV+ on the 20th March.