Ahead of the upcoming scheduled shut down, Apple has recently removed Dark Sky from the iOS App Store. Dark Sky was acquired by Apple back in March 2020 and has since been stripped down and have elements incorporated into the stock weather app on iOS, which will soon come to the iPad and Mac.

As soon as Apple acquired the company, the Android app was swiftly removed from sale, but the iOS version remained on sale until a few weeks ago. Originally, as part of the announcement of the acquisition, the Dark Sky team suggested that the app would be unavailable on 31st December 2022, but the app has been removed early. However, in our testing the app still works, so it could be that the plan is to stop the app working at the end of the year instead.

Dark Sky will be keeping the website and API available until 21st March 2023, but following that developers are being advised to use the new WeatherKit API from Apple instead. The all new Weather app is available now in iOS 16 and will be coming soon to iPadOS 16 and macOS 13.0, once both of those are released.
