Just before the weekend, Elon Musk revealed plans that pretty soon, the ability to block people on X would be removed. He said it would be “deleted as a feature,” as it “makes no sense.” Since Elon posted this, there was a community note attached suggesting that the X app would be in violation of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store rules, which if enforced could mean removal from those stores.

Elon Musk has said that instead of blocking users, which will be removed in the future – users can use the mute feature instead. However, the blocking feature will remain for direct messages. If you mute an account, they will still see your content, be able to retweet it and reply to you. You just wont see it though.

As of writing, it isn’t clear when or even if Elon will be carrying this feature through. The removal of blocking could be detrimental to some users who are bullied or targeted.
