Tech Basics

How To: Update your Mac

Updating all of your devices is important, manufacturers are constantly refining and improving their products by providing free software upgrades throughout the life of the device, none is better at doing this than Apple and with the Mac. With macOS, models from mid-2010 are still being supported on the latest software and they still run well. While updating your software to get the latest features may be one of the […]

What is Mac Time Machine?

Own a Mac and always wondered what Time Machine is or wanted to know how to easily back up your Mac? What is Time Machine? Time Machine is a built in feature to Macs that makes backing up your pictures, music and documents very easy, it’ll keep a day by day snapshot, so you can restore the entire operating system back to a specific day if that is ever a […]

What is Lower Power Mode in iOS 9 and how do I use it?

So back in September, you updated to iOS 9 and you noticed a new option in settings called ‘Low Power Mode’ or your phone ran down to 20% and said “Activate Low Power Mode,” but what does this feature do to your phone and should you use it? In this post we’ll run down what it does and also how to activate it. iOS 9 So in iOS 9 Apple […]

How To: Force Quit an app on a Mac

We’ve all had it, a unresponsive app on your Mac – just at that important time you’re trying to do something and it just crashes and freezes, admittedly it doesn’t happen very often but when it does it is a tad annoying. This quick guide goes over how to Force Quit an app on a Mac, there are actually a few different ways you can go about doing this. Method 1  

How to reindex Spotlight if your Mac is showing false storage info

This guide goes over the process for reindexing spotlight, this may be needed if your search results aren’t operating correctly in Spotlight search results or searching isn’t accurate. In my case my hard drive storage usage was all over the shop on my MacBook Air, so I decided to write a guide to determine if you need to reindex Spotlight and also how to find out how much storage each […]

How to create an account on OS X with parental controls

So you are looking to create an account with Parental Controls on your Mac. If you are concerned what you’re child is looking at on the internet, you can limit them to time, apps and content on the Mac. Parental Controls can also be used to simplify the user interface for less experienced users. First things first, visit the Settings or System Preferences app on your Mac. Then this window should […]